This is a list or error codes as a result of a missing requirement for the Estimate and Add API’s
100: Invalid Package information
101: Invalid Service selection
102: Invalid authorization
103: Pakage Details: Weight or Peices or volume or declared value must be numeric
104: Declared value exceeds $999
105: Missing Reference Code
106: Missing Number of Peices
107: Missing weight
108: Package weight greater than allowed
109: Package size or weight is greater than our capacity
110: Missing “From Address”
111: From City not in our list
112: From Address not allowed for this agent
113: To City not in our list
114: Pickup and Delivery stations are the same
115: To Address not allowed from this agent
116: Error in pricing, please check order details
117: Invalid address to state is wrong
118: No route found between two cities 999: Unidentified error
00: Invalid Package information
101: Invalid Service selection
102: Invalid authorization
103: Pakage Details: Weight or Peices or volume or declared value must be numeric
104: Declared value exceeds $999
105: Missing Reference Code
106: Missing Number of Peices
107: Missing weight
108: Package weight greater than allowed
109: Package size or weight is greater than our capacity
110: Missing “From Address”
111: From City not in our list
112: From Address not allowed for this agent
113: To City not in our list
114: Pickup and Delivery stations are the same
115: To Address not allowed from this agent
116: Error in pricing, please check order details
117: Invalid address to state is wrong
118: No route found between two cities 999: Unidentified error